Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Herbs that help libido in menopause

There is a lot of talk these days about herbs that help libido in menopause. One of the more commonly referred to is maca, which is not really an herb, but many people claim to have received genuine help from the symptoms of menopause.
A woman's body is naturally changing from the time of child-bearing to a new stage of life, and the menopause symptoms can be quite dramatic. Hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, weight gain or loss and a loss of sex-drive are all pretty common.
One of the good things about maca is that there are no negative side effects. It seems to have the unique ability to find what your body is missing and it supplies the ingredients for a balanced hormonal system.
You can read more about using herbs that help libido in menopause, fuzzy thinking and menopause and more at

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Relief For Night Sweats

I live in Vermont, where the old ways of doing things seem to hang on longer than most places. One of these things is using Switchel, or water, vinegar, honey and ginger as a way to get menopause relief for night sweats.
In the olden days ( like yesterday), farmers used this refreshing drink during haying season. Like a lot of things, it turns out to be good for other conditions as well, such as hot flashes and night sweats.
A good friend of mine started drinking this a few months ago and honestly, her hot flashes have all but disappeared. She did not change anything else in her lifestyle, but only added the switchel. Knowing her, very likely one of her relatives suggested the drink.
You can learn more about relief for night sweats at

Monday, August 31, 2009

Dating After 50 and Menopause

Click here to find out more about safe menopause relief.
It is surprising how many people claim that dating after 50 is totally awesome! This could be for a number of reasons, but some of the main ones I have heard are:
  • No need for games. By this time it just is not necessary to make a false impression or try to be something you are not. It just is not worth it.
  • Less stress. Often the kids are grown, finances are in order, work and career are in place and you know what you want.
  • Menopause has come and mostly gone. This has some drawbacks, such as vaginal dryness and sometimes decreased libido, but then there are the benefits such as no pregnancy worries.
  • Experience, experience, experience. You now know how to ask for what you want and need. It is often easier to be who you really are, without insecurities.
One of the good things about menopause fading into a memory is that the hot flashes, night sweats, aching bones, depression tendencies, irritability, sore breasts, insomnia and weight gain or loss is over.
For some women, these symptoms of menopause drag on for what seems like forever. But, for most women, they eventually end and there is a new phase of life ahead.
So, it is not surprising that dating after 50 can be the best!